Ok, so day two, let me say where I am so far, the things to figure out.

First, when do I wait.  This last couple years I’ve been waking up earlier to find that alone time with God.  With a child, it’s not like you have a lot of options in your house to get quiet.  The morning seems to be my best bet.  I’m the only one up, the house is quiet and I can focus.  To get into specifics(which is not always a good rule of thumb) I’m initially shooting for 30 minutes of time just being quiet and focusing upon the Lord.  My problem right now is the focus.  In the morning my mind is sluggish, I can easily fall back asleep.  If I sit in my chair with my head back like I want to, I might fall sleep.  If I sit up somewhere else, I’m not comfortable(my body aches some from sleeping, my back is a bit tight).  But I need to be comfortable and awake.  Such mundane things, but so important.  Night time would probably be better to have good focus(less on my mind) but harder to work out.  So we’re starting with this for now.  Using that time in the morning means less time in the word, and less prayer time about other things.  The prayer time is easier to make up, and I know I’ll be using some of my lunches to keep up with the group I help lead.  When it comes down to it, if I want it bad enough, I’ll make time for God.

Tomorrow a group of men I’m involved with is having an extended prayer session.  I look forward to this to have some time with no other worries. I find that I want that time, but I also have lots of other cares and things that require my time.  So getting a block of time without feeling guilty of taking it away from others can be tough.

Tomorrow I’m going to start over again on the series I spoke about.  “The quest to walk with God”.  This will be like my 3rd or 4th time through, but obviously I will be more focused this time as I’m making this such a focus for my year.  I know coming up soon will be the bond-servant relationship.  I’ll speak lots about this as we go, but I know this is such a key from the beginning.  If I’m not willing to walk where He says, how can I expect to keep seeing more.