Archive for December, 2020

And the next part of why I’ve been gone.


You gotta hate to see that word. I’m not walking you through it all, lots of details that are unnecessary. The irony is that it was about 1-2 years after this previous post.

Healing is the children’s bread

So I’d barely been sick, walking decently, good health, then boom. Guess I wasn’t that far along the health route or I needed this for another reason. Anyway, it hits you hard. Good news is that it’s not a major one and something that can typically be treated easily enough. Some surgery, some radiation, new meds, and I’m mostly back to normal.

It’s been tough though. At least in this case I never lost faith. Normal questions, but I didn’t go hide in myself and just jump in fictional words like I do sometimes when it’s tough. I just had to pull back and take care of myself and my family and not get out there as much. Then we add the “pandemic”(I’m not going into that right now), and it’s way too much about my health and not enough about just trusting God and walking ahead.

So, nothing fancy here, just getting it out. As I understand more of why, I’ll probably share that. For now I’m past it all, ready to move ahead and find my Beloved.

And….. back.

Sorry, I really dropped out for a while. I was looking back over some of my posts as I’m working on new writing projects and need to start combining things together and realized I really hadn’t written much since 2017. Ouch. Posts here and there, but not steady since then. So, let’s go through the run-down of what happened with me and where we’re at.

First, I flipped jobs. Yeah. My old job had gotten too stressful, wife had an opportunity to change around as well so we did a whole family switcharoo. What that did is free me up to be creative again. That was probably during part of the surge in 2017. And what was the fruits of that? I know I hinted at a project here and there, well, it was a book of course. If you’re blogging, writing random thoughts, why not actually do a book. This book isn’t the part of the journey I really want, but more of foundations.

So that was a big part of my focus for a bit. I had been writing chunks of this for years, finally started pulling it all together. It really has some good stuff in it, every time I would proofread it ( which is a PAIN ), God would still speak to me through the same words. Here’s another site with a little more info on it. I’ve kept things separate for reasons in the past which you might guess. If you read the book, you’ll find some things familiar with some posts here.

Now I’m back to the research and writing phase for the next book/books. Two in mind. One of them is basically this blog, the whole concept an idea. But to do that, I need more experience, which is of course the issue. Until I’ve lived it more, I can’t teach it. So, back to serious.